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Jute Supply

The jute industry is a historically and culturally important industry in Bangladesh dating back to during the growth of the East India Company in the Indian subcontinent. Despite once being one of the country’s biggest industries and major export items, the jute industry has declined since the 1970s. Exports have fallen as other countries grow jute independently, decreasing the demand for jute to be exported, and other products like plastics and hemp find more widespread use.[1] As of 2018, Bangladesh produces 33 percent of the total worldwide production of jute.[2]

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What is Jute Supply?

Pellentesque eget dui tellus. Donec semper tincidunt egestas. Vivamus lectus ipsum, tempor quis mattis in, ornare ut tortor. Praesent condimentum eu turpis ut hendrerit.

What is Jute Supply?
What is Jute Supply?